;Cal. Gaelic ;The Gaelic calendar, or alternatively the Irish calendar, is a system of timekeeping developed during Ireland's Gaelic era and is still in popular use in modern Ireland. ;This is a continuation of the Celtic & Gaelic system, which is pagan in origin. ;Historical texts suggest that, during Ireland's Gaelic era, the day began & ended at sunset. ;Gaelic Ireland refers to the period when a Gaelic political and social order existed in Ireland, and to the culture associated with it. It emerged in the prehistoric era and lasted until the early 17th century. ;Like elsewhere, the modern Irish calendar begins on 1 January, the ancient Celtic year begins on 1 November. ;old Irish Calendar see Holiday_cal. Irish (old).txt ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days.gif COMMENT=Updated July 13, 2014 \nGaelic/Irish calendar is a system of timekeeping developed during Ireland's Gaelic era & is still in popular use in modern Ireland 01.1. =>modern Gaelic/Irish calendar New Year (1 Eanáir) 01.1. =1 Eanáir #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Geimhreadh) ;Note=1st/3rd month, 31d ;English=January (Winter) 01.2. =1 Feabhra #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Earrach) ;Note=2nd/4th month, 28/29d ;English=February (Spring) 01.3. =1 Márta #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Earrach) ;Note=3th/5th month, 31d ;English=March (Spring) 01.4. =1 Aibreán #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Earrach) ;Note=4th/6th month, 30d ;English=April (Spring) ;The light half of the year started at Calan Haf/Bealtaine (1 May, modern calendar) 01.5. =1 Bealtaine #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Samhradh) ;Note=5th/7th month, 31d ;English=May (Summer) 01.6. =1 Meitheamh #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Samhradh) ;Note=6th/8th month, 30d ;English=June (Summer) 01.7. =1 Iúil #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Samhradh) ;Note=7th/9th month, 31d ;English=July (Summer) 01.8. =1 Lúnasa #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Fómhar) ;Note=8th/10th month, 31d ;English=August (Autumn/Harvest) 01.9. =1 Meán Fómhair #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Fómhar) ;Note=9th/11th month, 30d ;English=September/middle of harvest (Autumn/Harvest) 01.10. =1 Deireadh Fómhair #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Fómhar) ;Note=10th/12th month, 31d ;English=October/end of harvest (Autumn/Harvest) ;the year was seen as beginning with the arrival of the darkness, at Calan Gaeaf/Samhain (1 November in the modern calendar) 01.11. =>ancient Celtic calendar New Year (pre-Christian) (1 Samhain) 01.11. =1 Samhain #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Geimhreadh) ;Note=11th/1st month, 30d ;English=November (Winter) 01.12. =1 Nollaig #0000 (Gaelic calendar, Geimhreadh) ;Note=12th/2nd month, 31d, derives from Latin natalicia (birthday), referring to the birth of Christ ;English=December (Winter) ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaelic_calendar